28th meeting of the biocatalysis club in organic synthesis (CBSO) - VVF Lège Cap Ferret (Gironde – Nouvelle-Aquitaine)


New event location and news dates:

The CBSO 2021 event (28th meeting of the Biocatalysis Club in Organic Synthesis) will take place in the village “Lège Cap Ferret (Gironde)from September 28 to October 1, 2021.


This 28th meeting of the Biocatalysis Club in Organic Synthesis (CBSO) will take place in the VVF village "Lège Cap Ferret (Gironde - Nouvelle Aquitaine)" from September 28 to October 01, 2021.

This meeting brings together every two years a hundred participants around the theme of the Biocatalysis and the white technologies. This meeting aims to create interdisciplinary promiscuity between chemists and biologists coming from academic and industrial laboratories knew in biochemistry, biology, fine chemistry and process engineering.

This 28th CBSO will be supported by Arkema and Protéus (By Seqens) and will allow to strengthening the interactions between the academic and industrial research and development. During this seminar, news technologies in the biocatalytic field will be exposed in association with news industrials developments. 




For registrations, you should log in on this website. Then, you will have an access to the register part for abstracts submission (either conferences or posters). In this part, registrations for the administrative part are availlables.

The organization committee requests the slides for oral communications (power-point) and the posters in ENGLISH.

The speech might be realized in French or English.




We will have the pleasure to welcome for this seminar, 5 guest speekers whose:

Jacky VANDEPUTTE (R&D Director - Pôle Industries & Agro-Ressources).

Antoine MARGEOT (Head of the department of Biotechnologies - IFP Energies Nouvelles).

- Alain MARTY (Scientific Director - Carbios).

- Sylvain ANTONIOTTI (CNRS Research Director - Institute of Chemistry Nice).

- Eric EICHHORN (Senior Research Scientist - Givaudan).




The members of the steering committee are the following:

- Laurence HECQUET (Professor - Université Clermont Auvergne).

- Juliette MARTIN (Global Director - Protéus).

- Jean-Christophe LEC (Head of the Enzymatic Catalysis lab - GRL Arkema).

- Véronique ALPHAND (Research Director - CNRS/Université Aix-Marseille).

- Pascal AUFFRAY (Project Manager Biocatalysis - Protéus).

- Georges FREMY (Scientific Advisor for Thiochemicals - GRL Arkema).

- Céline AYRINHAC (Manager Bioservices - Protéus).




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